Wednesday, February 23, 2005

March Comedy Calendar

FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 7:30pm
Comedy Night
70 Union Sq. Somerville (near the INDEPENDENT)

SUNDAY, MARCH 6th, 7pm
Jimmy Tingle's Off Broadway Theatre
255 Elm St., Davis Sq.
tickets $10, available at :

Terror Breeds Comedy, Thursday March 3rd 8-10pm

A night of education and enlightenment about the threat of the BU Bio-terror Lab. (Okay this isn't exactly funny, maybe just ironic.) Hosted by local activist and middle-class hero, Marc Pelletier. Starring me, plus lots of other funny people: Baratunde Thurston, EJ Murphy, Erin Judge, Rich Gustus & Myq Kaplan.

Suggested donation: $5.

Jorge Hernandez Cultural Center
85 W. Newton St.
South End, Boston

Nearest T = Green - Copley, Prudential or Orange - Back Bay

Cash bar, this is a 21+ event

Sponsored by the Coalition to Stop the BioTerror Lab/SafetyNet/ACE
( 617-442-3343 ext.233

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